Monday, October 29, 2007


As we know that children can forgive people easily. I can use Norman as an perfect example. He won't keep his angry less than 2 minutes, though he'll scream or throw something if I don't give what he wants. But after that... he's stop and continue to play, it seemed like nothing happened.
But how about us?? Forgiveness is easy to speak, to teach and to preach but actually it does really hard to do it. I've through this many many times in my life, and I know that it's not only me who's been struggled with this. I believe that many people have the same problems.
Tonight, while I'm trying to sleep, I remember how God has forgiven me again, again and again, for what I've done. Why does He forgive me?? I believe that God knows if forgiveness is a hard part for us to do it. If He does it that because He has a reason. In the Bible, He's explained this many times. Forgiveness is not an option, but we need it. I remember how struggled I was to forgive people that whether they did it intentionally or not. But after I forgave and passed it, now I know why God teaches us to forgive and why we have to forgive.

First of all, forgiveness is come from inside you, you are the one that can decide to take away or keep it away. Even though you ask pastors to pray for you, but you are the key.

Forgiveness is a way to except someone by the way he is. We can't expect people to being perfect. Each person has weaknesses and we have to deal with it.

Forgiveness is helping us to continue our life. May be you feel hurt, but such feeling will not make your life stopped. You still have to do your work or job or responsibilities and taking care of your family and friends.

Forgiveness can make your soul more healthy.

Forgiveness can train you to be a tough and strong person. You can face various people in the world and work anywhere because you are used to forgive.

Forgiveness helps you to have a lot of friends.

Forgiveness is training your trust to someone that might be isn't worthed to be trusted.

Forgiveness can color your life to become more beautiful then what you think.

And Most of All, you have to forgive because forgive and love are walking together like what Jesus has been done. He forgives us because He loves us. If you cannot forgive, maybe you need to ask God to give you more love than you have before.

Jesus Bless You...