Saturday, May 17, 2008

Come Again

It's been a while I haven't post a thing in this blog. Too many disturbances in this web thing. It seems like my mood of blogging is depended on my interest and busyness as well.
These are those things:
On May 5th, we did have womens meeting for all pastors' wifes, women pastors, and single women ministers.
After that I was busy with my handcrafts (made some flowers and some cute bottles), preparing for graduation that had been done last Friday. Too bad I forgot to take pictures of them, and those are sold already.
Graduation of course...
Today, we just had the first session of TESL, which is I really need it because I like to teach English and I would like to make my people (Indonesians) to become better learners of English stuff. Because, you know, only few of Indonesians that like to learn English and mostly in big cities. The second session will be in this Monday.
Also, these months I have opened a new facebook account and another blog for my pictures in aminus3.
Hope that I can finish all things well...